Bergstrom L. Cosmology and particle astrophysics (Aerlin, 2006). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаBergström L. Cosmology and particle astrophysics / Bergström L., Goobar A. - 2nd ed. - Aerlin: Springer, 2006. - xvi, 364 p.: ill. - ISBN 3-540-32924-2

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Оглавление / Contents
1.  The Observable Universe ..................................... 1
    1.1.  Introduction .......................................... 1
    1.2.  Baryonic Matter ....................................... 2
    1.3.  Antimatter ............................................ 3
    1.1.  The Expansion of the Universe ......................... 4
    1.5.  Dark Matter ........................................... 6
    1.6.  The Age of the Universe ............................... 9
    1.7.  The Left-Overs from the Big Bang ..................... 10
    1.8.  New Windows to Cosmology and Particle Physics ........ 10
    1.9.  Problems ............................................. 12

2.  Special Relativity ......................................... 15

    2.1.  Introduction ......................................... 15
    2.2.  Frames. Coordinates and Metric ....................... 15
          2.2.1.  Coordinates .................................. 16
          2.2.2.  Metric and Transformations ................... 17
    2.3.  Minkowski Space ...................................... 18
          2.3.1.  Causal Structure of Space-Time ............... 22
          2.3.2.  vectors. Scalars and Tensors ................. 22
    2.4.  Relativistic Kinematics .............................. 23
          2.4.1.  Kinematics for 2 → 2 Processes ............... 26
          2.4.2.  System of Units .............................. 28
          2.4.3.  Some Relativistic Kinematics for 2 → 2
                  Processes .................................... 28
    2.5.  Relativistic Optics .................................. 29
          2.5.1.  Aberration ................................... 29
          2.5.2.  Doppler Effect ............................... 31
    2.6.  Electromagnetic Vectors and Tensors .................. 32
    2.7.  Summary .............................................. 34
    2.8.  Problems ............................................. 35

3.  General Relativity ......................................... 37

    3.1.  Introduction ......................................... 37
    3.2.  The Equivalence Principle ............................ 37
    3.3.  Gravitational Rcdshift and Bending of Light .......... 39
    3.4.  Curved Spaces ........................................ 42
    3.5.  Coordinates and Metric ............................... 43
          3.5.1.  Measures of Curvature ........................ 45
          3.5.2.  Three-Dimensional Space ...................... 48
    3.6.  Curved Space-Time .................................... 49
          3.6.1.  The Energy-Momentum Tensor ................... 52
    3.7.  Einstein's Equations of Gravitation .................. 54
          3.7.1.  The Schwarzschild Solution ................... 55
    3.8.  Summary .............................................. 56
    3.9.  Problems ............................................. 56

4.  Cosmological Models ........................................ 59

    4.1.  Space without Matter - the de Sitter Model ........... 59
    4.2.  The Standard Model of Cosmology ...................... 61
    4.3.  The Expanding Universe ............................... 65
          4.3.1.  The Deviation from the Linear
                  Hubble Law ................................... 68
          4.3.2.  The Fate of the Universe ..................... 69
          4.3.3.  Particle Horizons ............................ 71
    4.4.  Cosmological Distances: Low Redshift ................. 73
          4.4.1.  Luminosity Distance .......................... 74
          4.4.2.  Angular Distance ............................. 75
    4.5.  Cosmological Distances: High Redshift ................ 76
          4.5.1.  The Lookback Time and the Age of
                  the Universe ................................. 76
          4.5.2.  Measuring Cosmological Parameters ............ 78
          4.5.3.  Redshift Dependence of the Particle
                  Horizon ...................................... 79
    4.6.  Observations of Standard Candles ..................... 80
    4.7.  Meaning of the Cosmological Constant ................. 82
    4.8.  Summary .............................................. 85
    4.9.  Problems ............................................. 86

5.   Gravitational Lensing ..................................... 89

    5.1.  The Bending of Light ................................. 89
    5.2.  Observation of Gravitational Lensing  ................ 94
          5.2.1.  Galactic Dark Matter Searches:
                  Lensing of Stars ............................. 94
          5.2.2.  Lensing of Objects at Cosmological
                  Distances .................................... 97
          5.2.3.  The Mass Density in Galaxy Clusters ......... 100
          5.2.4.  Weak Gravitational Lensing .................. 101
    5.3.  Black Holes ......................................... 103
          5.3.1.  Primordial Black Holes ...................... 104
    5.4.  Summary ............................................. 105
    5.5.  Problems ............................................ 105

6.  Particles and Fields ...................................... 107

    6.1.  Introduction ........................................ 107
    6.2.  Review of Particle Physics .......................... 107
    6.3.  Quantum Numbers ..................................... 109
    6.4.  Degrees of Freedom in the Standard Model ............ 110
    6.5.  Mesons and Baryons .................................. 110
    6.6.  Gauge Fields ........................................ 112
    6.7.  Massive Gauge Bosons and the Higgs Mechanism ........ 115
    6.8.  Gluons and Gravitons ................................ 119
    6.9.  Beyond the Standard Model ........................... 120
          6.9.1.  Supersymmetry ............................... 121
    6.10. Some Particle Phenomenology ......................... 123
          6.10.1. Estimates of Cross-Sections ................. 124
    6.11. Examples of Cross-Section Calculations .............. 126
          6.11.1. Definition of the Cross-Section ............. 128
          6.11.2. Neutrino Interactions ....................... 128
          6.11.3. The γγee System ............................. 129
    6.12. Processes Involving Hadrons ......................... 132
    6.13. Vacuum Energy Density ............................... 135
    6.14. Summary ............................................. 136
    6.15. Problems ............................................ 137

7.  Phase Transitions ......................................... 139

    7.1.  Introduction ........................................ 139
    7.2.  Phase Transitions in Condensed Matter ............... 139
          7.2.1.  The Landau Description of Phase
                  Transitions ................................. 140
    7.3.  Domain Walls. Strings and other Defects ............. 143
    7.4.  Summary ............................................. 146

8.  Thermodynamics in the Early Universe ...................... 147

    8.1.  Introduction ........................................ 147
    8.2.  Equilibrium Thermodynamics .......................... 149
    8.3.  Entropy ............................................. 153
    8.4.  Summary ............................................. 158
    8.5.  Problems ............................................ 160

9.  Thermal Relics from the Big Bang .......................... 161

    9.1.  Matter Antimatter Asymmetry ......................... 161
    9.2.  Freeze-Out and Dark Matter .......................... 163
    9.3.  Nucleosynthesis ..................................... 167
    9.4.  Photon Recombination and Decoupling ................. 170
          9.4.1.  Ionization Fraction the Saha Equation ....... 170
    9.5.  Summary ............................................. 175
    9.6.  Problems ............................................ 176

10. The Accelerating Universe ................................. 177

    10.1. Problems of the Standard Big Bang Model ............. 177
    10.2. The Inflation Mechanism ............................. 180
    10.3. Models for Inflation ................................ 183
    10.4. Dark Energy ......................................... 185
    10.5. Summary ............................................. 188
    10.6. Problems ............................................ 189

11. The Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation and
    Growth of Structure ....................................... 191

    11.1. The First Revolution: the 2.7 К Radiation ........... 191
          11.1.1. Thermal Nature of the CMBR .................. 192
    11.2. The Second Revolution: the Anisotropy ............... 196
          11.2.1. Temperature Fluctuations and Density
                  Perturbations ............................... 196
    11.3. The New Generation of Observations .................. 198
    11.4. Fluid Equations ..................................... 199
    11.5. The Jeans Mass ...................................... 202
    11.6. Structure Growth in the Linear Regime ............... 202
    11.7. Connection to Fluctuations in the CMBR .............. 204
    11.8. Primordial Density Fluctuations ..................... 206
    11.9. Present Experimental Situation ...................... 207
    11.10.Summary ............................................. 208
    11.11.Problems ............................................ 211

12. Cosmic Rays ............................................... 213

    12.1. Introduction ........................................ 213
    12.2. The Abundance of Cosmic Rays ........................ 214
    12.3. Ultra-High Energies ................................. 217
          12.3.1. Extensive Air-Showers ....................... 217
          12.3.2. Interaction with CMBR ....................... 219
    12.4. Particle Acceleration ............................... 221
    12.5. Summary ............................................. 225
    12.6. Problems ............................................ 225

13. Cosmic Gamma-Rays ......................................... 227

    13.1. The Sky of High-Energy Photons ...................... 227
    13.2. Gamma-Ray Bursts .................................... 228
          13.2.1. What Arc GRB? ............................... 229
    13.3. Very High-Energy Gamma-Rays ......................... 232
          13.3.1. Resolved Sources ............................ 233
          13.3.2. Interaction with IR Photons ................. 234
    13.4. Summary ............................................. 236
    13.5. Problems ............................................ 236

14. The Role of Neutrinos ..................................... 237

    14.1. Introduction ........................................ 237
    14.2. The History of Neutrinos ............................ 238
    14.3. Neutrino Interactions with Matter ................... 239
          14.3.1. The Cross-Sections .......................... 240
    14.4. Neutrino Masses ..................................... 242
    14.5. Stellar Neutrinos ................................... 243
          14.5.1. Solar Neutrinos ............................. 245
          14.5.2. Supernova Neutrinos ......................... 251
    14.6. Neutrino Oscillations ............................... 254
          14.6.1. Neutrinos Propagating Through Matter ........ 258
    14.7. Atmospheric Neutrinos ............................... 259
    14.8. Neutrinos as Tracers of Particle Acceleration ....... 261
    14.9. Indirect Detection of CDM Particles ................. 264
    14.10.Neutrino Telescopes: the Cherenkov Effect ........... 265
          14.10.1.Water and Ice Cherenkov Telescopes .......... 267
    14.11.Potential Sources of High-energy Neutrinos .......... 269
    14.12.Status of High-energy Neutrino Telescopes ........... 269
    14.13.Summary ............................................. 270
    14.14.Problems ............................................ 270

15. Gravitational Waves ....................................... 273

    15.1. Introduction ........................................ 273
    15.2. Derivation of the Gravitational Wave Equation ....... 273
    15.3. Properties of Gravitational Waves ................... 276
    15.4. The Binary Pulsar ................................... 278
    15.5. Gravitational Wave Detectors ........................ 280
    15.6. Summary ............................................. 283
    15.7. Problems ............................................ 283

A   Some More General Relativity .............................. 285

    A.l.  Metric for Curved Space-Time ........................ 285
    A.2.  The Newtonian Limit ................................. 288
    A.3.  The Curvature Tensor ................................ 289
    A.4.  Summary ............................................. 293
    A.5.  Problems ............................................ 294

B   Relativistic Dynamics ..................................... 297

    B.l.  Classical  Mechanics ................................ 297
    B.2.  Classical Fields .................................... 300
    B.3.  Relativistic Quantum Fields ......................... 302
          B.3.1.  The Klein Gordon Field ...................... 302
          B.3.2.  Electromagnetic Field ....................... 304
          B.3.3.  Charged Scalar Field ........................ 304
    B.4.  Summary ............................................. 306

C   The   Dirac Equation ...................................... 309

    C.l.  Introduction ........................................ 309
    C.2.  Constructing the Dirac Equation ..................... 310
    C.3.  Plane-Wave Solutions ................................ 314
    C.4.  Coupling to Electromagnet ism ....................... 317
    C.5.  Lorentz Invariance .................................. 318
    C.6.  Bilinear forms ...................................... 319
    C.7.  Spin and Energy Projection Operators ................ 321
    C.8.  Non-Relativistic Limit .............................. 324
    C.9.  Problems with the Dirac Equation .................... 325
          C.9.1.  The Dirac Sea ............................... 325
    C.10. Central Potentials .................................. 327
    C.11. Coulomb Scattering .................................. 328
    C.12. Trace Formulae ...................................... 330
    C.13. Quantization of the Dirac Field ..................... 332
    C.14. Majorana Particles  ................................. 333
    C.15. Lagrangian Formulation .............................. 334
    C.16. Summary ............................................. 335

D.  Cross-Section Calculations ................................ 337

    D.l.  Definition of the Cross-Section ..................... 337
    D.2.  The Process e+e- → μ+μ- ............................. 339
    D.3.  The Process vee- → ημμ- ............................. 341
    D.4.  The Processes eeγγ .................................. 342

E.  Quantum Fluctuations of the Inflaton ...................... 345

    E.1.  Quantum Fields in General Relativity ................ 345
    E.2.  Evolution in de Sitter Space-Time ................... 346
    E.3.  The Vacuum State .................................... 347
    E.4.  Connection to Observations .......................... 349

F.  Suggestions for Further Reading ........................... 353

References .................................................... 355
Index ......................................................... 357

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