Sharma V. Web-based and traditional outsourcing (Boca Raton, 2012). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

Архив выставки новых поступлений | Отечественные поступления | Иностранные поступления | Сиглы
ОбложкаSharma V. Web-based and traditional outsourcing / Vivek Sharma, Varun Sharma. - Boca Raton: CRC Press, 2012. - xxvii, 420 p.: ill. - (Infosys Press). - Bibliogr.: p. 383-390. - Ind.: p.391-417. - ISBN 978-1-4398-1055-2

Оглавление / Contents
Foreword ...................................................... xxi
Preface ....................................................... xxv

1  Outsourcing Rudiments ........................................ 3
   Brief Background ............................................. 3
   The Goals of the Game ........................................ 5
   Integrate, Integrate, and Still Integrate .................... 5
   Outsourcing Basics ........................................... 7
   Insourcing versus Outsourcing ................................ 9
   Offshoring versus Outsourcing ............................... 11
   Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) .......................... 11
   Types of Outsourcing ........................................ 11
      Onshore Outsourcing ...................................... 11
      Nearshore Outsourcing .................................... 12
      Offshore Outsourcing ..................................... 12
   Outsourcing Decision and Its Consequences ................... 12
   Growth of Outsourcing Worldwide ............................. 13
2  Outsourcing Benefits ........................................ 15
   The Strategic Call .......................................... 15
   The Various Approaches ...................................... 16
   Subject Matter Expertise .................................... 16
   Technology's Transformation Touch ........................... 16
   The Cost Factor ............................................. 17
   Holistic Offerings .......................................... 17
   Speed of the Game ........................................... 18
   The Engagement Players ...................................... 18
   Resources Optimization ...................................... 19
   Around-the-Clock Operations ................................. 20
   Demand Spikes ............................................... 20
   Hiring Consultants for Setup ................................ 20
   Geography Is History ........................................ 20
   The Quality Imperative ...................................... 21
   Reuse of Projects, Resources, Experiences, Learning ......... 21
   Higher Control and De-Risking ............................... 21
   The Many, Many Benefits ..................................... 22
   Challenges .................................................. 23
3  To Outsource or Not? ........................................ 25
   To Be or Not to Be .......................................... 25
   Realities and Myths ......................................... 27
   Strategy and Considerations ................................. 28
   Strategy - Differs from Market to Market, Industry to
      Industry ................................................. 29
   Strategy - Is Outsourcing Part of the Solution or Not? ...... 31
   Costs Evaluation ............................................ 34
   Pre-Outsourcing Evaluation .................................. 35
   Example - Outsourcing and Banks ............................. 36
   Example - BPO Operations - Business and Technology
      Convergence .............................................. 37
   Example - IT Staff in an Accounting Firm - To Outsource or
      Not ...................................................... 37
   Outsourcing - Not a Final Solution in Itself ................ 38
4  What to Outsource? .......................................... 41
   Outsourcing Scope ........................................... 41
   What to Outsource? .......................................... 42
   Activities to Outsource? .................................... 42
   BPO - What to Outsource? .................................... 45
   Example - Outsourcing by Banks .............................. 45
   Example - Public Relations (PR) Function Outsourcing ........ 46
   Example - End Customer Management through Customer
      Relationship Management (CRM) Solutions .................. 47
   Example - Corporate Receivables Outsourcing to Banks ........ 48
   Example - BPO Outsourcing of Sales Tax Compliance ........... 50
   Example - BPO - Outsourcing Support Operations .............. 51
   Example - Banking Operations Outsourcing .................... 51
   Example - Tax Process Outsourcing ........................... 52
   Miscellaneous Examples ...................................... 52
5  Outsourcing to India ........................................ 55
   Asian Economy ............................................... 55
   Brief History of Outsourcing in India ....................... 56
   Where to Outsource? SWOT Analysis of Outsourcing to India ... 57
   Benefits of Outsourcing to India ............................ 57
      The Benefits, at a Glance ................................ 58
   India - Preferred BPO Destination ........................... 59
   Top Outsourcing Cities in India ............................. 59
   Indian Vendors' Growth Challenges ........................... 60
   Example - GE ................................................ 61
   Example - Awards to Indian BPOs ............................. 62
   Potential Countries for Outsourcing ......................... 63
   India versus Other Outsourcing Destinations ................. 64
6  Vendor Selection ............................................ 67
   Vendor Classifications ...................................... 67
   Vendor Identification, Evaluation, Competency, Selection,
   and Management .............................................. 68
   Vendor Competency Evaluation ................................ 72
   BPO-Specific Vendor Competency .............................. 75
   Role of Technology in Vendor Selection ...................... 76
   The Geographical Bearings of Buyers and Vendors and Some
      Generalizations .......................................... 77
   Vendor's Past Performance History Check ..................... 77
   Vendor Selection Checklist .................................. 77
7  Contracts - Types, Pricing Models, and Issues ............... 79
   Contract Types - Three Major Legal Structures ............... 79
   (1) Third-Party Outsourcing ................................. 79
   (2) Parent-Subsidiary Relationship .......................... 82
       Captive Centers ......................................... 85
   (3) Build-Operate-Transfer (ВОТ) Model ...................... 85
   Pricing Models .............................................. 87
       Fixed-Price Model ....................................... 88
       Transactional Pricing Model ............................. 89
       Activity-Based Pricing Model ............................ 89
       Cost-Pius Pricing Model ................................. 89
       Gain-Sharing Model ...................................... 90
   Contract Drawing ............................................ 90
   Contractual Issues .......................................... 92
   Contractual Risks ........................................... 93
   Collaborations - Joint Ventures ............................. 94
   Contract Termination ........................................ 94
   Transitioning - Postcontract Termination .................... 95
   Example - Antidumping U.S. Law .............................. 97
8  Operations - Execution, Challenges, Quality, Etc ............ 99
   Operations Optimization ..................................... 99
   Operations Optimization through Vendor Expertise ........... 100
   Operations Execution ....................................... 101
   Example - Operations ....................................... 102
   Example - BPO Operations - Mentor-Mentee Concept ........... 102
   Operational Costs .......................................... 103
   Example - Chief Financial Officer (CFO) - Role and
      Operations .............................................. 104
   Example - Bearings of Office Location ...................... 105
   Vendor Management .......................................... 105
   Example - Outsourcing BPO Operations to India .............. 106
   Example - Outsourcing Customer Support ..................... 107
   Operational Challenges ..................................... 108
   Example - Operational Challenges of Banks and Financial
      Organizations ........................................... 111
   Risk Management ............................................ 112
   Operations - Contingency - Disaster Recovery (DR) .......... 113
   Quality Imperative ......................................... 114

9  Web Outsourcing - Introduction ............................. 119
   Internet - Brief Background ................................ 119
   History of the Internet .................................... 120
   How People Discover Web Sites .............................. 120
   Web-Based Outsourcing ...................................... 121
10 Web Outsourcing Models and Frameworks ...................... 123
   Business Model 1 - Outsourcing over the Web Using Well-
      Defined Contracts ....................................... 123
         Compensation Principle ............................... 124
         Working Framework 1 .................................. 124
         Working Framework 2 .................................. 125
         Salient Feature of This Framework .................... 125
         Related Examples ..................................... 126
   Business Model 2 - Outsourcing over the Web without
      Contracts ............................................... 127
      Compensation Principle .................................. 128
      Working Framework ....................................... 128
      Salient Feature of This Model ........................... 130
      Movement of Projects between Models 1 and 2 ............. 130
      The Models - Roles ...................................... 130
         Web Portal Owner, Administrator ...................... 131
         Outsourcing Buyer .................................... 131
         Project Evaluator .................................... 131
         Vendor Seller ........................................ 131
         Financial Intermediary ............................... 131
      Criteria for Success of These Models .................... 132
      The Models "1 and 2" Value Proposition .................. 132
   Business Model 3 - Strategic Tie-Ups - The Time Shares -
      Selling Time ............................................ 133
      How It Works ............................................ 135
      The Models - Roles ...................................... 136
         Web Portal Owner, Administrator ...................... 136
         Proposer ............................................. 136
         Investors ............................................ 136
         Financial Intermediary ............................... 137
      The Web Portal Setup and Features ....................... 137
      Related Examples ........................................ 137
      Criteria for Success of These Models .................... 138
      The Model Value Proposition ............................. 138
   Business Model 4 - Strategic Tie-Ups - Making Customers
      and Employees Shareholders .............................. 139
      Model 4a - Making Outsourcing Customers Shareholders .... 139
         Roles ................................................ 140
         The Web Portal Setup and Features .................... 141
      Model 4b - Making Employees Shareholders ................ 141
      Roles ................................................... 143
      The Web Portal Setup and Features ....................... 143
      Examples ................................................ 143
      Criteria for Success of These Models .................... 143
      Limitations ............................................. 144
      The Models Value Proposition ............................ 144
   Business Model 5 - Time-Based Costs for Services and
      Products in Outsourcing ................................. 147
         Roles ................................................ 148
         The Web Portal Setup and Features .................... 148
         Application Examples ................................. 149
         Criteria for Success of These Models ................. 149
         The Model Value Proposition .......................... 149
   Business Model 6 - For Every "n" Units Sold, Giving "m"
         Units Free ........................................... 150
         Roles ................................................ 151
         The Web Portal Setup and Features .................... 152
         Application Examples ................................. 152
         Criteria for Success of These Models ................. 152
         The Model Value Proposition .......................... 153
   Business Model 7 - Prepurchase of Outsourced Products and
      Service in Bulk with Delivery Spread Out in Parts at
      a Later Period of Time .................................. 153
         Roles ................................................ 155
         The Web Portal Setup and Features .................... 156
         Application Example .................................. 156
         Criteria for Success of These Models ................. 156
            The Model Value Proposition ....................... 156
   Business Model 8 - Big Projects Outsourcing to
      a Consortium ............................................ 157
            Consortium Contract Basics between Partners ....... 158
            Operations ........................................ 158
            Designation of Project Managers ................... 158
            Monitoring and Coordination Committee ............. 158
         Roles ................................................ 160
         Example 1 ............................................ 160
         Example 2 ............................................ 160
         Criteria for Success of These Models ................. 160
         The Model Value Proposition .......................... 160
   Business Model 9 - Using Online Provider/Vendor to
         Manage the Internet Business (E-Business) Part/
         Component ............................................ 161
         Roles ................................................ 162
         The Web Portal Setup and Features .................... 162
         Criteria for Success of These Models ................. 163
         The Model Value Proposition .......................... 163
   Business Model 10 - Automated Outsourcing Using Software
         Agents ............................................... 163
         Related Examples ..................................... 165
         The Model Value Proposition .......................... 166
11 Web Outsourcing Examples ................................... 169
   Projects That Are Good Candidates of These Models .......... 169
   General Category of Applicable Projects .................... 170
   Miscellaneous Examples ..................................... 170
      Example - Design of Application and/or Respective
      Reviews ................................................. 171
      Example - Technical Consulting for Problem Resolution ... 171
      Example - Application Development ....................... 171
      Example - Web Site Content Writing ...................... 171
      Example - Marketing and Consulting Online ............... 172
      Example - Search Engine Marketing (SEM) ................. 173
      Example - Web Link Building Service ..................... 173
      Example - Data Collection ............................... 173
      Example - Web Site Marketing ............................ 174
      Example - Newsletters ................................... 174
      Example - Online Newspapers and Magazines ............... 174
      Examples - Merging of Fields - Advertisements,
      Entertainment, Education, and Service ................... 175
      Example of Outsourcing Online - Tax Preparation
      Services ................................................ 175
      Example - Desktop Publishing (DTP) Outsourcing Online  176
      Example - Outsourcing Training and E-Learning Products
      Development Online ...................................... 176
      Example - Home and Business Shopping .................... 177
      Example - Outsourcing of Small Web-Based Businesses
      (e.g., Online Video Rentals) ............................ 177
      Example - Insourcing Online over the Organization's
      Internal Intranet Network ............................... 177
      Example - Usage of Online Software Agents ............... 177
   Examples in E-Commerce ..................................... 178
      E-Commerce Applications - Order Management .............. 178
      Examples of E-Commerce Applications - Content Ownership . 178
      Examples of E-Commerce Applications - Interactive
      Multimedia Online ....................................... 178
      Example - Interactive Communications Online ............. 179
      EDI Example - Medical Field ............................. 179
      EDI Example - Usage in Manufacturing and Retail
      Procurement ............................................. 180
      EDI Examples - Miscellaneous Usages ..................... 181
      EDI Example - International Trade ....................... 182
      EDI ..................................................... 183
      Example - Shift over from Manual to Computerized Online
      Business ................................................ 184
      Example - Financial Organizations and Banks Using Online
      Service Providers ....................................... 184
   Examples - Potential Fields for Outsourcing to India ....... 185
      Example - IBM's E-Business Strategy ..................... 186
      IBM's E-Business Approach ............................... 187
      Key Focus Areas ......................................... 187
      Example - Mphasis' VTR (Virtual Tax Room) Tool .......... 187
12 Web Outsourcing - Criteria for Success, Challenges ......... 189
   "Nature" of Business, Online ............................... 189
   What Does Not Qualify for Online Outsourcing ............... 190
   Market Readiness ........................................... 190
   Target Geography for Online Outsourcing .................... 190
   Vast Online Information Volumes ............................ 191
   Transparency and Interoperability between Networked
   Systems .................................................... 191
   Quality .................................................... 192
   Time, Speed, and Uncertainty ............................... 192
   Convenience and Self-Service ............................... 193
   Personalization and Customization .......................... 194
   Learn to Outsource, Even Online ............................ 194
   High Demands of Online Users/Customers ..................... 195
   Outsourcing Approach Online and Confidentiality ............ 196
   Training ................................................... 197
   Online Vendor/Providers Specialized Domain, Business, and
   Technology Skills .......................................... 197
   Online Outsourcing Organization's Specialized Business
   Skills ..................................................... 198
   Risk Management ............................................ 198
   Employee Retention ......................................... 198
   Variable Pay ............................................... 198
   Access to Critical, Sensitive Data by Partners, Online
   Vendors, and Unauthorized Users ............................ 199
   Language Nuances Online .................................... 199
   Recession and Low Market Economic Conditions ............... 200
   Layoffs .................................................... 200
   Reverse Brain Drain ........................................ 201
   Reuse of Related Past Work, Knowledge, and Experience ...... 201
   Presentation Challenges Online for Enabling Quick
   Decision Making in Web-Based Applications .................. 201
   Readability Challenges Online .............................. 201
   Personalization Challenges through Example - Video
   Rentals Survey ............................................. 202
   Acceptance of the Concept .................................. 202
   Online Payment Systems and Electronic Data Interface
   (EDI) Challenges ........................................... 202
   "Business Transactions Challenges" of E-Commerce ........... 203
   Technical Challenges in E-Commerce Applications ............ 203
   The Rate of Proliferation of Internet/Intranet
   Outsourcing Portals ........................................ 204
   General Challenges Faced by the Internet ................... 204
   Need for Standards ......................................... 205
   Openness ................................................... 205
   Global Governance .......................................... 206
   Design ..................................................... 206
   Investments ................................................ 206
   Data Management ............................................ 207
   Security ................................................... 207
   Strategic Cooperation ...................................... 207
   Mobility ................................................... 207
   Speed ...................................................... 208
   Limitations of Online Outsourcing .......................... 208
13 Web Outsourcing - Advantages ............................... 209
   Business Advantages in the Virtual World of Web
   Outsourcing ................................................ 210
   Pioneer Advantage .......................................... 210
   Highly Skilled People and Resources ........................ 210
   Reuse of Tools, Resources, Experiences ..................... 211
   Borderless World ........................................... 212
   24/7 × 365 Operations ...................................... 212
   Speed ...................................................... 212
   Strategic Focus ............................................ 213
   Vendors' Geographical Spread ............................... 213
   Personalized, Customized Services .......................... 214
   Exponential Growth Prospects ............................... 215
   Budgets for Setup and Working .............................. 215
   Web - The Information Superhighway ......................... 215
   Dematerialization - Migration of Manual/Paper Records to
   Electronic Media, Online ................................... 215
   Leveraging from Outsourcing, Online ........................ 216
   Financial Benefits ......................................... 216
   Cross-Currency Conversion Benefits ......................... 216
   Higher Integration ......................................... 217
   Dell's Outsourcing Strategy ................................ 218
   Mass Customization ......................................... 218
   Dell - Some Salient Points ................................. 218
   Reduced Learning Curve for Online Organizations ............ 219
   Brand Building ............................................. 219
   Substantial Changes in the Environment ..................... 220
   Interoperable Communications ............................... 220
   Quality and Continuous Benchmarking ........................ 220
   Long-Term Career Paths ..................................... 221
   Reduced Liability and Risk ................................. 221
   Knowledge Store ............................................ 222
   Linguistic Barrier Is Greatly Lowered ...................... 222
   Repetitive Tasks and Labor Costs - Software Agents ......... 222
   Automation - Software Agents ............................... 223
   Online Payments ............................................ 223
   Operational Efficiency ..................................... 223
   E-Commerce Benefits ........................................ 224
   Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) Advantages ............... 224
   Advantages of Outsourcing Online to India .................. 226
14 Business-to-Business Payment Systems Online ................ 229
   E-Commerce - Internet Communications ....................... 229
   Electronic Payment Systems ................................. 231
   Payment Gateways ........................................... 232
   Electronic Commerce and EDI ................................ 232
   EDI - Some Definitions ..................................... 233
   "EDI Concept" .............................................. 234
   EDI - The Future ........................................... 235
      EDI Example - Manual Process Using Paper Checks
      (Limitations) ........................................... 236
   Clearing Automation through Truncation and Electronic
      Check Presentment (TECP) ................................ 237
   Example - Automated Clearing House (ACH) Transfers ......... 238
   Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) Process .................... 239
   Financial Instruments ...................................... 240
   Electronic Token ........................................... 240
   E-Cash ..................................................... 241
      E-Cash Basics ........................................... 241
      Usage Issues with E-Cash ................................ 242
      E-Cash Working Mechanism ................................ 242
   E-Checks Working Mechanism ................................. 245
   Smart Card ................................................. 246
   Smart Cards - Advantages ................................... 247
   Example - EDI Usage by Sears Roebuck Organization .......... 248

15 The Slowdown Scenario ...................................... 251
   Economic Turmoil ........................................... 251
   Indices Nosedive Worldwide - Growth Forecasts Downgraded ... 252
   Forecasts Downgraded in India .............................. 253
   Economic Situation in the United Kingdom during Slowdown ... 256
   Budget Squeeze and IT Spending Declines .................... 256
   Example - Microsoft CEO's View ............................. 258
   Example - Nortel's Bankruptcy .............................. 259
   Example - Satyam Saga - Credibility Loss ................... 260
   Examples - Frills Cost Cutting in the IT and BPO Sector .... 263
   Moody's Estimates on Outsourcing to India .................. 264
   India and Other Countries as the Outsourcing Destination ... 265
16 Business Repositioning in Slowdown ......................... 267
   Business Repositioning - Slowdown - CEOs Speak at Harvard
   Meeting on Cause and Measures .............................. 267
   Business Repositioning - IT Spending and Budget Slash
   during Slowdown ............................................ 268
   Business Opportunities during Economic Slowdown ............ 269
   Business Repositioning Due to Recession - General
   Strategies ................................................. 270
   Business Repositioning - High Exposure to Financial
   Services Sector Outsourcing ................................ 272
   Example - Business Strategy of Infosys ..................... 273
   Business Deals Contracting - Short- and Long-Term .......... 274
   Example - Infosys and Wipro Short- and Long-Term
   Contracts Ratio ............................................ 275
   Example - Airtel-IBM Long-Term Contract .................... 275
   Business Repositioning through Regional Shifts and
   Strategy ................................................... 276
   Strategy - Risk Mitigation through Geographical Spread ..... 276
   Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A) ............................. 278
      M&A - Risky Acquisitions ................................ 278
      Restructuring and Consolidation in Indian Companies -
      M&A ..................................................... 279
      Example - Axon M&A ...................................... 282
      M&A - Example - Impact on Genpact after Wachovia's
      Assets Sale to Citigroup ................................ 283
   M&A Examples ............................................... 283
      M&A Example - Barclays .................................. 284
      M&A, Hiring Example by CSC .............................. 284
      Miscellaneous M&A Examples in India ..................... 284
   Governments - Support and Control Measures ................. 285
      Government Mitigation Measures Worldwide ................ 285
      Government Outsourcing Projects ......................... 286
      Challenges Faced by U.S. Administration during
      Slowdown ................................................ 286
      Example - Legal Requirements When Outsourcing by
      American Banks .......................................... 288
      Investment Wooing by U.S. Government Bodies of Indian
      Firms ................................................... 289
      European Government Support during Crisis ............... 290
   Government of India Support and Policies ................... 290
      Government of India - Taxation Policies during
      Slowdown ................................................ 291
      Special Economic Zones (SEZs) in India during Slowdown .. 292
   Examples of Organizations That Managed the Slowdown
      Successfully ............................................ 293
      Example - IBM Exception during Slowdown ................. 293
      Example - Outsourcing by JP Morgan Chase ................ 294
      Example - M&A - Mergers of Global Banks ................. 294
      Example - Omega BPO's Business Strategy ................. 295
      Example - Business Processing Outsourcing by Capita,
      UK ...................................................... 295
      Example - Dell Worldwide Launch ......................... 296
      Example - Godrej-HP Contract ............................ 296
      Example - BPO Operations Execution Example - By Vertex .. 297
      Example - Legal Process Outsourcing (LPO) ............... 297
      Example - Tesco ......................................... 298
      Example - Banking Products .............................. 298
      Examples - Miscellaneous ................................ 298
17 Slowdown - Hiring, Layoffs, and Attrition .................. 301
   Attrition .................................................. 301
   Layoffs during Slowdown .................................... 303
   Indian Reverse Brain Drain ................................. 304
   Economy and People's Health ................................ 305
   Personnel Retention ........................................ 307
   Example - Hiring by RBS of Lehman .......................... 309
   Hiring in India before and during the Financial Slowdown  309
   India - Back to Hiring after the Economic Recovery ......... 311

18 Intellectual Property and Data Security .................... 315
   Intellectual Property (IP) ................................. 315
      Piracy .................................................. 315
      IP ...................................................... 316
   Security ................................................... 319
   Malicious Codes and Protection Methods ..................... 319
      Common Hacking Examples ................................. 319
      Mobile Code ............................................. 321
      Virus Examples .......................................... 321
   Security - Risks in E-Commerce ............................. 322
   Network Security ........................................... 323
   Secure Messaging over Networks ............................. 324
   Protection Mechanisms and Practices against Hacking and
   Security Risks ............................................. 327
   Encryption and Cryptography ................................ 328
   Digital Signatures ......................................... 331
   "Firewall" - Infrastructure Protection ..................... 332
19 Reflections about the Future ............................... 337
   History Revisited .......................................... 337
   The Generations ............................................ 337
      Phase 1 - 1980 to 1990 - Tactical Outsourcing - Solve
      Business-Specific Problems .............................. 338
      Phase II - 1991 to 2000 - Strategic Outsourcing -
      Build Strategic Relationships ........................... 338
      Phase III - 2001 Onward - Transformational
      Outsourcing - Create Interdependencies to Bring
      Innovation .............................................. 338
   Reflections on the Future of Outsourcing ................... 338
      Population, Labor, and Outsourcing ...................... 338
      Unionism's Decline in the United States ................. 339
      The New Age Worker ...................................... 340
   The India and China Axis ................................... 340
      India and China ......................................... 341
   The Indian Equation ........................................ 342
      Challenges for India .................................... 343
   Miscellaneous Outsourcing Countries ........................ 344
   Trends ..................................................... 344
      Idea versus Size ........................................ 344
      Outsourcing Promiscuity ................................. 344
   Outsourcing Highlights ..................................... 345
      Transformational Outsourcing ............................ 346
      End-to-End Solutions .................................... 346
      Need for Speed .......................................... 346
      Intermediary Dissipation ................................ 347
      The Education Alignment ................................. 347
      Government Support ...................................... 347
      The Governing Systems ................................... 347
      Global Integration ...................................... 347
      End User Say ............................................ 347
      Business Metamorphosis .................................. 348
      Rise of Global Players .................................. 348
      Outsourcing Functions ................................... 348
      Economy Impact .......................................... 348
      Outsourcing: Private and Government Deals ............... 348
      Temporary Demand Spikes ................................. 349
      Currency Interchange .................................... 349
      Internet Growth and Outsourcing ......................... 349
      New Quality Definitions ................................. 349
      Synergy between Outsourcing Players ..................... 349
      Growth of New Business Avenues .......................... 349
      Useless Data Volumes .................................... 350
      Education and Certifications ............................ 350
      Inventory ............................................... 350
      Agriculture Outsourcing ................................. 350
      Tourism Outsourcing ..................................... 351
      Oil Impact .............................................. 351
      Contingency Planning .................................... 351
      Job Loss ................................................ 351
      Startup Cost ............................................ 351
      World Security .......................................... 351
      Individual Privacy ...................................... 352
      What Will Not Be Outsourced ............................. 352
      Growth of Outsourcing in Information Technology and
      BPO Domains ............................................. 352
   Automation, Technology, and Outsourcing .................... 353
      The Technology Curve .................................... 353
      E-Materialization ....................................... 354
      Workplaces Metamorphosis ................................ 355
      Impact on Transportation ................................ 355
      Examples of Future Business Forays of Outsourcing ....... 356
         Microcommerce Business Opportunities ................. 356
      Examples ................................................ 356
      Microservices and Microproducts ......................... 356
      Person-to-Person Outsourcing (P2P Offshoring) ........... 356
      Knowledge Process Outsourcing (КРО) ..................... 357
      Outsourcing of R&D ...................................... 358
      Legal Outsourcing (LPO) ................................. 358
      Energy Outsourcing ...................................... 358
   Miscellaneous Examples of the Near Future of
   Outsourcing ................................................ 358
   The Bow and Final Words .................................... 359
Appendix: Enabling Infrastructure and Components .............. 363
   Hardware Deployment ........................................ 363
   Office Equipment Products .................................. 365
   The Client-Server Model and E-Commerce ..................... 365
   Middleware ................................................. 366
   Network .................................................... 367
   Proxy ...................................................... 368
   Routers .................................................... 368
   Telecom Networks ........................................... 369
   Satellites ................................................. 370
   Data Compression ........................................... 371
   Data Encryption ............................................ 372
   Encryption - RSA ........................................... 373
   Video Conferencing ......................................... 374
   Multimedia - Evolution Challenges .......................... 374
   Video Server ............................................... 379
   Pictures ................................................... 381
   Some Definitions ........................................... 382
   Other Books on the Outsourcing Subject That Include Model
   II ......................................................... 382
Bibliography .................................................. 383
Index ......................................................... 391
Author Biographies ............................................ 419

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