Industry and Environment - 1994, No.4 - CONTENTS / ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ

НавигацияRambler's Top100
Industry and Environment (ISSN 0378-9993)
  • Оглавление No.4 (1994)
         Cleaner production
         What is Cleaner Production and the Cleaner Production
            Programme?                                              4 
         Third High-Level Seminar on Cleaner Production:
            presentation                                            5
         Synopses of keynote addresses from Mrs Tcheknavorian-
            Asenbauer and Mr Flanders                               6
         Third High-Level Seminar: summary report                   8 
         Cleaner production in OECD countries - by Bill L. Long    23
         APCTT: transferring environmentally sound technologies
            to SME's in Asia and the Pacific
                                          - by Vadim Kotelnikov    27
         Waste management: clean technologies - update on the
            situation in EU Member States -from the Commission
            of the European Union                                  28
         Policy initiatives to promote cleaner production in Latin
            America and the Caribbean         - by Leo Heileman    35
         Cleaner production in Poland: aiming at a joint industry
            and environment policy           - by Zygjryd Nowak    36
         Technologies propres                  - by Yves Hellot    39
         "DESIRE", Demonstration in Small Industries for Reducing
             Waste                   - by Surya Prakash Chandak    41 
         Preliminary experiences with cleaner production in China
            and India      - by Rene van Berkel with John Kryger
                                                and Ralph Luken    46
         National Cleaner Production Centres Program in Australia
                                          - by Darrell J. Reeve    51
         Cleaner production activities in New Zealand
                                        - by Margaret I. Bailey    54
         The Environmental Pollution Prevention Project (EP3) in
           Tunisia                           - by  Rachid Nafti    55
         Cleaner production initiatives in Thailand
                                        - by Sermphol Buengsung    58
         Cleaner production in Indonesia -from the Environmental
            Impact Management Agency (BADEPAL)                     62
         The lack of cleaner production in Costa Rica
                                             - by Rosendo Pujol    63
         Cleaner production in small and medium-sized industries
                                                   - by CM. Lin    68
         Industrial environmental initiatives in the 1990s
                                           - by Alien Aspengren    70 
         The development of eco-efficiency in industry
                                            - by Claude Fussier    71 
         Cleaner production demonstrations in Africa
                                       - by Frank van den Akker    72
         Financing cleaner production in developing countries
                                               - by Salah Hafez    75
         Australia's approaches to cleaner production
                                             - by Dianne Gayler    77 
         *	World news
         Managing materials flows: results of the Enquete
            Commission of German Bundestag                         80
         The Factor 10 Club: A call for a sustainable economy      81
         OECD holds workshop on ecolabelling and trade             82
         *	Industry updates
         Industry outlines energy solutions                        83
         Recycling industry seeks partners                         83
         Latin American Energy Organization                        83
         Anniversary for waste to energy coalition                 84
         Survey of financial analysts and the environment          84
         *	UNEP focus
         UNEP workshop on industrial compliance and enforcement    85
         New UNEP Bulletin on environmental law                    85
         Biodiversity Convention Parties hold first meeting        86
         La biotechnologie - reve ou cauchemar ?                   86
         UNEP IE Update                                            87
         Books and Reports                                         88
         Aware                                                     97
         Feedback                                                  98

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