Fader G.B.J. Surficial geology, Halifax Harbour, Nova Scotia (Ottawa, 2008). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаFader G.B.J. Surficial geology, Halifax Harbour, Nova Scotia / Fader G.B.J., Miller R.O. - Ottawa: Geological survey of Canada, 2008. - 163 p. - (Geological Survey of Canada. Bulletin; N 590). - ISSN 0068-7626; ISBN 978-0-660-19743-2

Оглавление / Contents
Abstract/Résume ................................................. 1
Summary/Sommaire ................................................ 2

Introduction ................................................... 10
   Setting ..................................................... 10
   Historical changes .......................................... 12
   Waste-water disposal systems ................................ 13
   Report layout ............................................... 14

Database ....................................................... 14
   Geological surveys .......................................... 14
   Sediment samples ............................................ 14
   Subsurface samples .......................................... 15
   General methodology ......................................... 16
      High-resolution seismic-reflection systems ............... 16
      Sidescan sonar ........................................... 17
      Data analyses ............................................ 18
   Multibeam bathymetry ........................................ 19

Previous research .............................................. 21

Physiography ................................................... 23
   Physiographic setting ....................................... 23
   Harbour geographic divisions ................................ 25
   Bathymetry .................................................. 25
      Multibeam bathymetry ..................................... 25
      Bedford Basin ............................................ 25
         Bedford Bay ........................................... 27
      Inner harbour ............................................ 28
         The Narrows ........................................... 28
         Northern inner harbour ................................ 28
         Southern inner harbour ................................ 29
         Northwest Arm ......................................... 29
         Eastern Passage ....................................... 30
      Outer harbour ............................................ 30
      Approaches to Halifax Harbour ............................ 30

Regional setting ............................................... 31
   Onshore bedrock geology ..................................... 31
   Offshore bedrock geology .................................... 33
   Onshore surficial geology ................................... 34
   Offshore surficial geology .................................. 37
   Regional onshore terrain .................................... 38

Oceanography ................................................... 39
   Relative sea-level history .................................. 40
   Harbour circulation ......................................... 40
   Current variability ......................................... 40
   Tides ....................................................... 41
   Currents and particle transport ............................. 41
   Sediment history and oceanography ........................... 41

Bedrock geology ................................................ 43
   Seismostratigraphy .......................................... 43
   Bedrock distribution ........................................ 43
   Borehole results ............................................ 47
   Faulting .................................................... 47

Surficial geology .............................................. 52
   Introduction ................................................ 52
   Surficial formations ........................................ 53
   Previous research on sediment distributions ................. 54
   Scotian Shelf Drift ......................................... 56
      Seismostratigraphy ....................................... 56
      Lithology ................................................ 56
      Distribution and thickness ............................... 57
      Morphology ............................................... 58
      Depositional processes ................................... 59
   Lacustrine sediments ........................................ 62
      Seismostratigraphy ....................................... 62
      Lithology ................................................ 62
      Depositional environment ................................. 62
      Distribution ............................................. 65
   Estuarine sediments ......................................... 65
      Seismostratigraphy ....................................... 66
      Lithology ................................................ 66
      Depositional environment and discussion .................. 66
   Sable Island Sand and Gravel ................................ 66
      Seismostratigraphy ....................................... 66
      Lithology ................................................ 70
      Distribution ............................................. 72
      Benthic biology .......................................... 78
      Depositional processes ................................... 78
   LaHave Clay ................................................. 83
      Seismostratigraphy ....................................... 83
      Lithology ................................................ 86
      Benthic biology .......................................... 91
      Distribution ............................................. 91
      Thickness ................................................ 99
      Gas charging ............................................ 100
      Pockmarks ............................................... 103
      Depositional history .................................... 104
      Depositional style ...................................... 106

Sediment transport and erosion ................................ 107
   Bed forms .................................................. 107
      Noncohesive sediment bed forms .......................... 107
         Sand ribbons ......................................... 107
         Megaripples .......................................... 108
         Ripples in gravel .................................... 108
         Gravel circles ....................................... 110
      Cohesive sediment bed forms ............................. 110
         Sedimentary furrows .................................. 110
         Furrow processes ..................................... 112
         Moats: erosional and nondepositional ................. 114
            Georges Island moat ............................... 114
      Regional scoured depressions ............................ 117
         'Bottle collector hole' .............................. 117
      Anthropogenic scoured depressions ....................... 117
         Sediment drifts ...................................... 117
      Other sediment-transport indicators ..................... 118
      Discussion .............................................. 118

Anthropogenic features ........................................ 119
   Antisubmarine net marks .................................... 119
   Obstacle-induced scours .................................... 119
   Anchor marks ............................................... 119
      Anchor pits, anchor-drag marks, and anchor-chain and
      anchor-chain-link marks ................................. 124
      Distribution of anchor marks ............................ 124
      Anchor marks and sediment transport ..................... 125
   Borrow pits ................................................ 125
   Dredge spoils .............................................. 126
   Shipwrecks ................................................. 128
   Ship-related seabed impressions ............................ 131
      Spud-can pits ........................................... 131
      Oil-rig pontoon marks ................................... 131
      Ship-hull grounding marks ............................... 134
      Propeller scour marks ................................... 134
   Dredged and blasted areas .................................. 134
   The Narrows' bridges ....................................... 135
   Unidentified debris ........................................ 137
   Mottled seabed ............................................. 137
   Ship moorings .............................................. 137
   Trawl marks ................................................ 137
   Cables ..................................................... 137
   Water intakes and discharges ............................... 141
   Sewage banks ............................................... 141
   Airplanes .................................................. 141
   Automobiles ................................................ 143
   Cribwork ................................................... 143

Geochemistry .................................................. 143
   Geology and geochemistry ................................... 143
   Sediment geochemistry ...................................... 143
   Geochemical synthesis ...................................... 143
   Historical contamination record ............................ 146
   Geochemical evidence for sediment transport ................ 146

Geological history ............................................ 146
   Preglacial bedrock origin of the harbour ................... 146
   Glacial history ............................................ 147
   Glacial control on harbour morphology ...................... 148
   Wisconsinan Glaciation ..................................... 151
   Postglacial history ........................................ 153
   Recent changes ............................................. 155

Applications .................................................. 156
   Marine outfalls ............................................ 156
   Waste-water facility operation and monitoring .............. 156
   Cable routing and seabed hazards ........................... 156
   Marine aggregates .......................................... 156
   Archaeology ................................................ 156
   Fishing .................................................... 156
   Research ................................................... 157

Effects of Hurricane Juan ..................................... 157

Acknowledgments ............................................... 157

References .................................................... 158

1.   Geographic divisions of Halifax Harbour ................... 11
2.   Index of place names and features used in this report ..... 12
3.   Index of figures in this report ........................... 13
4.   Ships' tracks of data collected during the four major
     cruises ................................................... 15
5.   Locations of seabed samples and observations .............. 16
6.   Sun-illuminated seabed morphology, Bedford Bay to
     Chebucto Head, Halifax Harbour ................... (on CD-ROM)
7.   Seismic-reflection systems used during the study .......... 18
8.   Backscatter map of a section of the outer harbour ......... 19
9.   Sun-illuminated seabed morphology, Halifax Harbour
     and the adjacent inner Scotian Shelf ............. (on CD-ROM)
10.  A multibeam-bathymetric image from Bedford Basin .......... 20
11.  A multibeam-bathymetric image of Northwest Arm ............ 21
12.  Sun-illuminated seabed slope, Bedford Bay to Chebucto
     Head, Halifax Harbour ............................ (on CD-ROM)
13.  Interpretation of seabed morphology, features, and
     processes, inner Halifax Harbour ................. (on CD-ROM)
14.  Physiographic provinces of Atlantic Canada ................ 23
15.  A shaded-relief topographic map of the area of Halifax
     Regional Municipality ..................................... 24
16.  Contoured bathymetry of Halifax Harbour ................... 26
17.  Multibeam-bathymetric map of outer Halifax Harbour ........ 27
18.  Interpretation of seabed morphology, features, and
     processes, Bedford Basin, Halifax Harbour ........ (on CD-ROM)
19.  A perspective shaded-relief colour multibeam image of
     The Narrows ............................................... 28
20.  Multibeam-bathymetric map of the harbour south of
     Halifax ................................................... 29
21.  Surficial geology, Bedford Bay to Chebucto Head, Halifax  
     Harbour .......................................... (on CD-ROM)
22.  Interpretation of multibeam bathymetry at the approaches
     to Halifax Harbour ........................................ 31
23.  Major terranes of Nova Scotia and their dominant
     bedrock types ............................................. 32
24.  Map of major anticlines and synclines ..................... 32
25.  A map of an early interpretation of faulting in
     the harbour ............................................... 33
26.  A shaded total-magnetic-field compilation ................. 34
27.  A bedrock map of Halifax Harbour and the adjacent inner
     Scotian Shelf ............................................. 35
28.  Surficial geology and bathymetry of the Halifax Harbour
     area ...................................................... 36
29.  A map of the surficial geology of the inner
     Scotian Shelf ............................................. 38
30.  A shaded relief digital terrain model for an area of
     central Nova Scotia ....................................... 39
31.  A simplified cross-sectional model of water circulation
     in Halifax Harbour ........................................ 40
32.  Sidescan sonogram from the west side of The Narrows ....... 41
33.  A sidescan sonogram of the seabed between Bedford Bay
     and Bedford Basin ......................................... 44
34.  Bottom photographs of bedrock ............................. 44
35.  A sidescan sonogram from the inner harbour near
     the Dartmouth shore over Halifax Formation slate .......... 45
36.  A sidescan sonogram across granite bedrock outcrop ........ 45
37.  Detailed multibeam-bathymetric image from The Narrows ..... 46
38.  Sidescan sonogram from Northwest Arm ...................... 46
39.  Borehole 3 log from The Narrows ........................... 48
40.  Borehole 2 log in an area between Ives Point
     and Halifax ............................................... 48
41.  Borehole 4 log from the entrance to Eastern Passage ....... 49
42.  Borehole 1 log from the entrance to Eastern Passage ....... 50
43.  Borehole DF-1 log from a proposed diffuser location
     in Halifax Harbour ........................................ 51
44.  Borehole DF-2 log from a proposed diffuser location
     in Halifax Harbour ........................................ 51
45.  Borehole DF-8 log from a proposed diffuser location
     in Halifax Harbour ........................................ 52
46.  Seismic-reflection profile in an area of multiple till
     sequences in the outer harbour ............................ 55
47.  Interpreted cross-section and plan view from southwest
     to northeast across The Narrows ........................... 56
48.  A seismic-reflection profile extending from Pier 9 to
     the Angus L. Macdonald Bridge ............................. 57
49.  A seismic-reflection profile south of McNabs Island ....... 58
50.  A seismic-reflection profile southeast of Chebucto Head ... 59
51.  Seismic-reflection profile over Jonquiere Bank ............ 60
52.  Seismic-reflection profiles, and interpretation from
     the eastern side of the inner harbour ..................... 60
53.  A seismic-reflection profile from Bedford Bay,
     Bedford Basin ............................................. 61
54.  Seismic-reflection profile from the inner harbour
     northeast of Georges Island ............................... 63
55.  Vibrocore logs from samples collected near Georges
     Island .................................................... 64
56.  Distribution of lacustrine sediments buried in isolated
     basins throughout Halifax Harbour ......................... 65
57.  Seismic-reflection profile of the Sable Island Sand
     and Gravel from the outer harbour ......................... 67
58.  Seismic-reflection profile of the Sable Island Sand
     and Gravel from the outer harbour ......................... 68
59.  A seismic-reflection profile north of McNabs Island
     off Ives Point showing relict gravel ridges ............... 69
60.  A sidescan sonogram of the Sable Island Sand and Gravel
     from The Narrows .......................................... 70
61.  A sidescan sonogram of gravel ripples and sand patches
     in the outer harbour ...................................... 71
62.  A seismic-reflection profile from the inner harbour
     showing a small, buried channel ........................... 72
63.  Bottom photographs of the Sable Island Sand and Gravel .... 73
64.  Map showing the distribution of boulders in the
     outer harbour ............................................. 74
65.  Sidescan sonograms from the outer harbour showing the
     transition from shallow water bedrock to deep-water
     flat sand ................................................. 75
66.  A sidescan sonogram showing large featureless sand
     patches ................................................... 76
67.  A seismic-reflection profile showing the stratigraphy
     adjacent to Georges Island ................................ 77
68.  A sidescan sonogram from The Narrows ...................... 78
69.  A sidescan sonogram across Jonquiere Bank ................. 79
70.  A map of boulder berms in Bedford Basin ................... 80
71.  A 3-D perspective view of the western area of
     Bedford Basin ............................................. 80
72.  A 3-D perspective view of the northwestern area of
     Bedford Basin ............................................. 81
73.  A sidescan sonogram from Bedford Basin showing two
     boulder berms ............................................. 81
74.  Multibeam-bathymetric image showing boulder berms
     between Pleasant Shoal and McNabs Island .................. 82
75.  Sidescan sonogram of mined trenches and pits .............. 82
76.  A seismic-reflection profile of LaHave Clay onlapping
     till ...................................................... 83
77.  A seismic-reflection profile north of Georges Island
     showing the LaHave Clay ................................... 84
78.  A seismic-reflection profile from Dartmouth Cove .......... 85
79.  A section of a sidescan-sonar mosaic from the
     inner harbour ............................................. 86
80.  Core logs of silt and clay content through LaHave Clay .... 87
81.  Bottom photograph of LaHave Clay from Bedford Bay ......... 91
82.  A seismic-reflection profile from the northwestern flank
     of Bedford Basin .......................................... 92
83.  A seismic-reflection profile from the southern area
     of Bedford Bay ............................................ 93
84.  A sidescan sonogram of the southern area of The Narrows ... 94
85.  Seismic-reflection profiles comparing and contrasting
     the relationship between LaHave Clay and the Sable
     Island Sand and Gravel .................................... 95
86.  Sidescan sonograms of waste-water outfalls ................ 96
87.  A seismic-reflection profile and a sidescan sonogram
     from south of Georges Island .............................. 97
88.  A seismic-reflection profile from Northwest Arm adjacent
     to Sir Sandford Fleming Park .............................. 98
89.  Isopach map of the LaHave Clay for the area south of The
     Narrows ................................................... 99
90.  A seismic-reflection profile of an isolated deposit of
     LaHave Clay north of eastern Pleasant Shoal .............. 101
91.  Seismic-reflection profiles from a variety of systems
     of gas-charged sediments in areas of Halifax Harbour ..... 102
92.  Distribution of gas-charged sediment in
     Halifax Harbour .......................................... 103
93.  A seismic-reflection profile from Bedford Basin showing
     the gas-charged reflector within LaHave Clay ............. 104
94.  Sidescan sonograms and multibeam-bathymetric image of
     pockmarks at the entrance to Northwest Arm ............... 105
95.  Sidescan sonogram and seismic-reflection profile over
     a dredge spoil ........................................... 106
96.  A sidescan sonogram illustrating sand ribbons on
     the seabed ............................................... 107
97.  Classification and distribution of bed forms in
     the outer harbour ........................................ 108
98.  A sidescan sonogram of degraded megaripples northeast
     of Mars Rock and Sandwich Point .......................... 109
99.  A sidescan sonogram illustrating megaripples in sand
     of the Sable Island Sand and Gravel in the outer
     harbour .................................................. 109
100. Sidescan sonograms from an area of gravel circles ........ 111
101. Bottom photographs of gravel circles adjacent to
     Bear Cove Shoal .......................................... 112
102. A multibeam-bathymetric image of sedimentary furrows ..... 113
103. Interpretation of seabed morphology, features, and
     processes, Northwest Arm, Halifax Harbour ........ (on CD-ROM)
104. Sidescan sonograms and a seismic-reflection profile of
     sedimentary furrows from the western side of the
     harbour .................................................. 113
105. A diagrammatic model for the formation of sedimentary
     furrows .................................................. 114
106. Seismic-reflection profile from the inner harbour
     showing a moat ........................................... 115
107. A seismic-reflection profile across the Georges
     Island moat .............................................. 116
108. A multibeam-bathymetric image showing bedrock,
     current-scoured depressions, and erosional remnants
     of LaHave Clay ........................................... 117
109. A sidescan sonogram of a scoured, 2 m deep, linear
     depression in LaHave Clay ................................ 120
110. A sidescan sonogram east of Middle Ground showing an
     area of thin LaHave Clay with scouring around large
     boulders ................................................. 120
111. A composite of sidescan sonograms of several of the
     shipwrecks of Halifax Harbour ............................ 121
112. A multibeam-bathymetric image adjacent to Ives Knoll
     over an area termed the 'fisherman hole' ................. 122
113. Sidescan sonograms of anchor-related marks on the
     seabed of Halifax Harbour ................................ 123
114. The distribution and density of anchor marks in the
     inner harbour and Bedford Basin .......................... 125
115. Sidescan sonogram from central Bedford Basin showing
     types of anchor marks at the seabed ...................... 126
116. Sidescan sonograms of dredge spoils ...................... 127
117. A sidescan sonogram of linear dredge spoils from the
     inner harbour ............................................ 128
118. A sidescan sonogram, artists reconstruction,
     seismic-reflection profile, bottom photograph, and
     photograph of clinkers of the 'Trongate depression' ...... 130
119. A multibeam-bafhymetric image looking across the seabed
     from a position northeast of Georges Island .............. 131
120. A multibeam-bathymetric image from Eastern Passage
     showing mud berms ........................................ 131
121. A sidescan sonogram of southern Thrumcap Shoal showing
     acoustic targets at the location of the grounding of
     the vessel H.M.S. Tribune in 1769 ........................ 132
122. A sidescan sonogram of jack-up oil-rig spud-can marks
     on the seabed of Halifax Harbour ......................... 133
123. A sidescan sonogram of semisubmersible, oil-drilling-
     rig pontoon marks on the seabed of Halifax Harbour ....... 133
124. A sidescan sonogram of the seabed and photograph of
     the grounded container ship Concert Express .............. 134
125. A sidescan sonogram of propeller scours on the seabed
     of Halifax Harbour ....................................... 135
126. A sidescan sonogram of a dredged drumlin in inner
     Halifax Harbour .......................................... 136
127. A sidescan sonogram of a blasted and dredged, shallow
     bedrock area in The Narrows .............................. 136
128. Sidescan sonograms of the seabed of The Narrows .......... 138
129. A sidescan sonogram from The Narrows showing large logs
     on the seabed ............................................ 139
130. A sidescan sonogram showing circular, medium-intensity
     backscatter features ..................................... 139
131. A sidescan sonogram and multibeam-bathymetric image of
     seabed moorings from Northwest Arm ....................... 140
132. A sidescan sonogram illustrating a cable on the seabed
     of the outer harbour ..................................... 141
133. A sidescan sonogram off Purdy's Wharf, showing a water
     intake for building cooling .............................. 142
134. A sidescan sonogram of northeast Bedford Basin and a
     sonar target interpreted as the tail section of a
     Havoc airplane ........................................... 142
135. A sidescan sonogram of approximately 25 Volvo
     automobiles on the bottom of Bedford Basin ............... 144
136. A sidescan sonogram of a large cribwork on the seabed
     off Black Rock Beach in south Halifax .................... 144
137. A map showing the distribution of the clay content in
     sediments of Halifax Harbour ............................. 144
138. A map showing the distribution of organic carbon in
     sediments of Halifax Harbour ............................. 145
139. A factor map showing areas dominated by contamination
     processes and source areas ............................... 145
140. A map of the distribution of mercury anomalies in
     seabed sediments ......................................... 146
141. Regional bathymetry of the inner Scotian Shelf off
     Halifax Harbour showing the major topographic
     elements that controlled the direction of glacial-ice
     movement ................................................. 147
142. Interpreted pathway of the 'ancient Sackville River'
     in Halifax Harbour ....................................... 148
143. A seismic-reflection profile between Georges Island
     and the adjacent Halifax shoreline ....................... 149
144. A seismic-reflection profile at the mouth of Halifax
     Harbour .................................................. 150
145. A paleogeographic reconstruction of Bedford Basin at 
     approximately 6000 BP .................................... 151
146. A multibeam-bathymetric image of an end moraine from
     the inner area of Northwest Arm .......................... 152
147. A Holocene relative sea-level curve for Halifax
     Harbour .................................................. 153

Table caption
1. Table of formations for the bedrock and surficial
   sediments in Halifax Harbour ................................ 53

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