Carter C.B. Ceramic materials (New York, 2007). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаCarter C.B. Ceramic materials: science and engineering / Carter C.B., Norton M.G. - New York: Springer, 2007. - 716 p. - ISBN 0387462708; 9780387462707

Оглавление / Contents
Preface ....................................................... vii


1.  Introduction ................................................ 3
    1.1.  Definitions ........................................... 3
    1.2.  General Properties .................................... 4
    1.3.  Types of Ceramic and their Applications ............... 5
    1.4.  Market ................................................ 6
    1.5.  Critical Issues for the Future ........................ 7
    1.6.  Relationship between Microstructure, Processing
          and Properties ........................................ 8
    1.7.  Safety ................................................ 9
    1.8.  Ceramics on the Internet ............................. 10
    1.9.  On Units ............................................. 10

2.  Some History ............................................... 15
    2.1.  Earliest Ceramics: The Stone Age ..................... 15
    2.2.  Ceramics in Ancient Civilizations .................... 17
    2.3.  Clay ................................................. 19
    2.4.  Types of Pottery ..................................... 19
    2.5.  Glazes ............................................... 20
    2.6.  Development of a Ceramics Industry ................... 21
    2.7.  Plaster and Cement ................................... 22
    2.8.  Brief History of Glass ............................... 24
    2.9.  Brief History of Refractories ........................ 25
    2.10. Major Landmarks of the Twentieth Century ............. 26
    2.11. Museums .............................................. 28
    2.12. Societies ............................................ 29
    2.13. Ceramic Education .................................... 29


3.  Background You Need to Know ................................ 35
    3.1.  The Atom ............................................. 35
    3.2.  Energy Levels ........................................ 36
    3.3.  Electron Waves ....................................... 37
    3.4.  Quantum Numbers ...................................... 37
    3.5.  Assigning Quantum Numbers ............................ 39
    3.6.  Ions ................................................. 42
    3.7.  Electronegativity .................................... 44
    3.8.  Thermodynamics: The Driving Force for Change ......... 45
    3.9.  Kinetics: The Speed of Change ........................ 47

4.  Bonds and Energy Bands ..................................... 51
    4.1.  Types of Interatomic Bond ............................ 51
    4.2.  Young's Modulus ...................................... 51
    4.3.  Ionic Bonding ........................................ 53
    4.4.  Covalent Bonding ..................................... 58
    4.5.  Metallic Bonding in Ceramics ......................... 63
    4.6.  Mixed Bonding ........................................ 64
    4.7.  Secondary Bonding .................................... 64
    4.8.  Electron Energy Bands in Ceramics .................... 66

5.  Models, Crystals, and Chemistry ............................ 71
    5.1.  Terms and Definitions ................................ 71
    5.2.  Symmetry and Crystallography ......................... 74
    5.3.  Lattice Points, Directions, and Planes ............... 75
    5.4.  The Importance of Crystallography .................... 76
    5.5.  Pauling's Rules ...................................... 76
    5.6.  Close-Packed Arrangements: Interstitial Sites ........ 79
    5.7.  Notation for Crystal Structures ...................... 81
    5.8.  Structure, Composition, and Temperature .............. 81
    5.9.  Crystals, Glass, Solids, and Liquid .................. 82
    5.10. Defects .............................................. 83
    5.11. Computer Modeling .................................... 83

6.  Binary Compounds ........................................... 87
    6.1.  Background ........................................... 87
    6.2.  CsCl ................................................. 88
    6.3.  NaCl (MgO, TiC, PbS) ................................. 88
    6.4.  GaAs (β-SiC) ......................................... 89
    6.5.  A1N (BeO, ZnO) ....................................... 90
    6.6.  CaF2 ................................................. 91
    6.7.  FeS2 ................................................. 92
    6.8.  Cu20 ................................................. 93
    6.9.  CuO .................................................. 93
    6.10. Ti02 ................................................. 93
    6.11. A1203 ................................................ 94
    6.12. MoS2 and CdI2 ........................................ 95
    6.13. Polymorphs, Polytypes, and Polytypoids ............... 96

7.  Complex Crystal and Glass Structures ...................... 100
    7.1.  Introduction ........................................ 100
    7.2.  Spinel .............................................. 101
    7.3.  Perovskite .......................................... 102
    7.4.  The Silicates and Structures Based on Si04 .......... 104
    7.5.  Silica .............................................. 105
    7.6.  Olivine ............................................. 106
    7.7.  Garnets ............................................. 107
    7.8.  Ring Silicates ...................................... 107
    7.9.  Micas and Other Layer Materials ..................... 108
    7.10. Clay Minerals ....................................... 109
    7.11. Pyroxene ............................................ 109
    7.12. β-Aluminas and Related Materials .................... 110
    7.13. Calcium Aluminate and Related Materials ............. 111
    7.14. Mullite ............................................. 111
    7.15. Monazite ............................................ 111
    7.16. YBa2Cu307 and Related High-Temperature
          Superconductors (HTSCs) ............................. 112
    7.17. Si3N4, SiAlONs, and Related Materials ................ 113
    7.18. Fullerenes and Nanotubes ............................ 113
    7.19. Zeolites and Microporous Compounds .................. 114
    7.20. Zachariasen's Rules for the Structure of Glass ...... 115
    7.21. Revisiting Glass Structures ......................... 117

8.  Equilibrium Phase Diagrams ................................ 120
    8.1.  What's Special about Ceramics? ...................... 120
    8.2.  Determining Phase Diagrams .......................... 121
    8.3.  Phase Diagrams for Ceramists: The Books ............. 124
    8.4.  Gibbs Phase Rule .................................... 124
    8.5.  One Component (C = 1) ............................... 125
    8.6.  Two Components (C = 2) .............................. 126
    8.7.  Three and More Components ........................... 128
    8.8.  Composition with Variable Oxygen Partial Pressure ... 130
    8.9.  Quaternary Diagrams and Temperature ................. 132
    8.10. Congruent and Incongruent Melting ................... 132
    8.11. Miscibility Gaps in Glass ........................... 133


9.  Furnaces .................................................. 139
    9.1.  The Need for High Temperatures ...................... 139
    9.2.  Types of Furnace .................................... 139
    9.3.  Combustion Furnaces ................................. 140
    9.4.  Electrically Heated Furnaces ........................ 141
    9.5.  Batch or Continuous Operation ....................... 141
    9.6.  Indirect Heating .................................... 143
    9.7.  Heating Elements .................................... 144
    9.8.  Refractories ........................................ 146
    9.9.  Furniture, Tubes, and Crucibles ..................... 147
    9.10. Firing Process ...................................... 148
    9.11. Heat Transfer ....................................... 148
    9.12. Measuring Temperature ............................... 149
    9.13. Safety .............................................. 151

10. Characterizing Structure, Defects, and Chemistry .......... 154
    10.1. Characterizing Ceramics ............................. 154
    10.2. Imaging Using Visible-Light, IR, and UV ............. 155
    10.3. Imaging Using X-rays and CT Scans ................... 157
    10.4. Imaging in the SEM .................................. 158
    10.5. Imaging in the TEM .................................. 159
    10.6. Scanning-Probe Microscopy ........................... 161
    10.7. Scattering and Diffraction Techniques ............... 162
    10.8. Photon Scattering ................................... 163
    10.9. Raman and IR Spectroscopy ........................... 163
    10.10.NMR Spectroscopy and Spectrometry ................... 165
    10.11.Mцssbauer Spectroscopy and Spectrometry ............. 166
    10.12.Diffraction in the EM ............................... 168
    10.13.Ion Scattering (RBS) ................................ 168
    10.14.X-ray Diffraction and Databases ..................... 169
    10.15.Neutron Scattering .................................. 171
    10.16.Mass Spectrometry ................................... 172
    10.17.Spectrometry in the EM .............................. 172
    10.18.Electron Spectroscopy ............................... 174
    10.19.Neutron Activation Analysis (NAA) ................... 175
    10.20.Thermal Analysis .................................... 175


11. Point Defects, Charge, and Diffusion ...................... 181
    11.1. Are Defects in Ceramics Different? .................. 181
    11.2. Types of Point Defects .............................. 182
    11.3. What Is Special for Ceramics? ....................... 183
    11.4. What Type of Defects Form? .......................... 184
    11.5. Equilibrium Defect Concentrations ................... 184
    11.6. Writing Equations for Point Defects ................. 186
    11.7. Solid Solutions ..................................... 187
    11.8. Association of Point Defects ........................ 189
    11.9. Color Centers ....................................... 190
    11.10.Creation of Point Defects in Ceramics ............... 191
    11.11.Experimental Studies of Point Defects ............... 192
    11.12.Diffusion ........................................... 192
    11.13.Diffusion in Impure, or Doped, Ceramics ............. 193
    11.14.Movement of Defects ................................. 197
    11.15.Diffusion and Ionic Conductivity .................... 197
    11.16.Computing ........................................... 199
12. Are Dislocations Unimportant? ............................. 201
    12.1. A Quick Review of Dislocations ...................... 202
    12.2. Summary of Dislocation Properties ................... 206
    12.3. Observation of Dislocations ......................... 206
    12.4. Dislocations in Ceramics ............................ 208
    12.5. Structure of the Core ............................... 208
    12.6. Detailed Geometry ................................... 211
    12.7. Defects on Dislocations ............................. 214
    12.8. Dislocations and Diffusion .......................... 215
    12.9. Movement of Dislocations ............................ 216
    12.10.Multiplication of Dislocations ...................... 216
    12.11.Dislocation Interactions ............................ 217
    12.12.At the Surface ...................................... 219
    12.13.Indentation, Scratching, and Cracks ................. 219
    12.14.Dislocations with Different Cores ................... 220

13. Surfaces, Nanoparticles, and Foams ........................ 224
    13.1. Background to Surfaces .............................. 224
    13.2. Ceramic Surfaces .................................... 225
    13.3. Surface Energy ...................................... 225
    13.4. Surface Structure ................................... 227
    13.5. Curved Surfaces and Pressure ........................ 230
    13.6. Capillarity ......................................... 230
    13.7. Wetting and Dewetting ............................... 231
    13.8. Foams ............................................... 232
    13.9. Epitaxy and Film Growth ............................. 233
    13.10.Film Growth in 2D: Nucleation ....................... 233
    13.11.Film Growth in 2D: Mechanisms ....................... 234
    13.12.Characterizing Surfaces ............................. 235
    13.13.Steps ............................................... 239
    13.14.In Situ ............................................. 240
    13.15.Surfaces and Nanoparticles .......................... 241
    13.16.Computer Modeling ................................... 241
    13.17.Introduction to Properties .......................... 242

14. Interfaces in Polycrystals ................................ 246
    14.1. What Are Grain Boundaries? .......................... 246
    14.2. For Ceramics ........................................ 248
    14.3. GB Energy ........................................... 249
    14.4. Low-Angle GBs ....................................... 251
    14.5. High-Angle GBs ...................................... 254
    14.6. Twin Boundaries ..................................... 255
    14.7. General Boundaries .................................. 258
    14.8. GB Films ............................................ 259
    14.9. Triple Junctions and GB Grooves ..................... 262
    14.10.Characterizing GBs .................................. 263
    14.11.GBs in Thin Films ................................... 264
    14.12.Space Charge and Charged Boundaries ................. 265
    14.13.Modeling ............................................ 265
    14.14.Some Properties ..................................... 265

15. Phase. Boundaries, Particles, and Pores ................... 269
    15.1. The Importance ...................................... 269
    15.2. Different Types ..................................... 269
    15.3. Compared to Other Materials ......................... 270
    15.4. Energy .............................................. 270
    15.5. The Structure of PBs ................................ 271
    15.6. Particles ........................................... 272
    15.7. Use of Particles .................................... 276
    15.8. Nucleation and Growth of Particles .................. 276
    15.9. Pores ............................................... 277
    15.10.Measuring Porosity .................................. 278
    15.11.Porous Ceramics ..................................... 279
    15.12.Glass/Crystal Phase Boundaries ...................... 280
    15.13.Eutectics ........................................... 281
    15.14.Metal/Ceramic PBs ................................... 282
    15.15.Forming PBs by Joining .............................. 283


16. Mechanical Testing ........................................ 289
    16.1. Philosophy .......................................... 289
    16.2. Types of Testing .................................... 291
    16.3. Elastic Constants and Other "Constants" ............. 292
    16.4. Effect of Microstructure on Elastic Moduli .......... 294
    16.5. Test Temperature .................................... 295
    16.6. Test Environment .................................... 296
    16.7. Testing in Compression and Tension .................. 296
    16.8. Three- and Four-Point Bending ....................... 297
    16.9. Kk from Bend Test ................................... 298
    16.10.Indentation ......................................... 299
    16.11.Fracture Toughness from Indentation ................. 300
    16.12.Nanoindentation ..................................... 301
    16.13.Ultrasonic Testing .................................. 301
    16.14.Design and Statistics ............................... 302
    16.15.SPT Diagrams ........................................ 305

17. Deforming: Plasticity ..................................... 309
    17.1. Plastic Deformation ................................. 309
    17.2. Dislocation Glide ................................... 310
    17.3. Slip in Alumina ..................................... 312
    17.4. Plastic Deformation in Single Crystals .............. 313
    17.5. Plastic Deformation in Polycrystals ................. 314
    17.6. Dislocation Velocity and Pinning .................... 315
    17.7. Creep ............................................... 317
    17.8. Dislocation Creep ................................... 317
    17.9. Diffusion-Controlled Creep .......................... 318
    17.10. Grain-Boundary Sliding ............................. 318
    17.11. Tertiary Creep and Cavitation ...................... 319
    17.12. Creep Deformation Maps ............................. 321
    17.13. Viscous Flow ....................................... 321
    17.14. Superplasticity .................................... 322

18. Fracturine: Brittleness ................................... 325
    18.1. The Importance of Brittleness ....................... 325
    18.2. Theoretical Strength: The Orowan Equation ........... 326
    18.3. The Effect of Flaws: The Griffith Equation .......... 327
    18.4. The Crack Tip: The Inglis Equation .................. 329
    18.5. Stress Intensity Factor ............................. 329
    18.6. R Curves ............................................ 330
    18.7. Fatigue and Stress Corrosion Cracking ............... 331
    18.8. Failure and Fractography ............................ 332
    18.9. Toughening and Ceramic Matrix Composites ............ 335
    18.10.Machinable Glass-Ceramics ........................... 338
    18.11.Wear ................................................ 338
    18.12.Grinding and Polishing .............................. 339


19. Raw Materials ............................................. 345
    19.1. Geology, Minerals, and Ores ......................... 345
    19.2. Mineral Formation ................................... 345
    19.3. Beneficiation ....................................... 347
    19.4. Weights and Measures ................................ 347
    19.5. Silica .............................................. 348
    19.6. Silicates ........................................... 348
    19.7. Oxides .............................................. 351
    19.8. Nonoxides ........................................... 354

20. Powders, Fibers, Platelets, and Composites ................ 359
    20.1. Making Powders ...................................... 359
    20.2. Types of Powders .................................... 360
    20.3. Mechanical Milling .................................. 360
    20.4. Spray Drying ........................................ 362
    20.5. Powders by Sol-Gel Processing ....................... 363
    20.6. Powders by Precipitation ............................ 363
    20.7. Chemical Routes to Nonoxide Powders ................. 364
    20.8. Platelets ........................................... 365
    20.9. Nanopowders by Vapor-Phase Reactions ................ 365
    20.10.Characterizing Powders .............................. 366
    20.11.Characterizing Powders by Microscopy ................ 366
    20.12.Sieving ............................................. 366
    20.13.Sedimentation ....................................... 367
    20.14.The Coulter Counter ................................. 368
    20.15.Characterizing Powders by Light Scattering .......... 368
    20.16.Characterizing Powders by X-ray Diffraction ......... 369
    20.17.Measuring Surface Area (the BET Method) ............. 369
    20.18.Determining Particle Composition and Purity ......... 370
    20.19.Making Fibers and Whiskers .......................... 370
    20.20.Oxide Fibers ........................................ 371
    20.21.Whiskers ............................................ 372
    20.22.Glass Fibers ........................................ 372
    20.23.Coating Fibers ...................................... 373
    20.24.Making Ceramic-Matrix Composites .................... 374
    20.25.Ceramic-Matrix Composites from Powders
          and Slurries ........................................ 374
    20.26.Ceramic-Matrix Composites by Infiltration ........... 375
    20.27.In Situ Processes ................................... 375

21. Glass and Glass-Ceramics .................................. 379
    21.1. Definitions ......................................... 379
    21.2. History ............................................. 380
    21.3. Viscosity, η ........................................ 383
    21.4. Glass: A Summary of Its Properties, or Not .......... 385
    21.5. Defects in Glass .................................... 386
    21.6. Heterogeneous Glass ................................. 386
    21.7. Yttrium-Aluminum Glass .............................. 386
    21.8. Coloring Glass ...................................... 386
    21.9. Glass Laser ......................................... 388
    21.10.Precipitates in Glass ............................... 388
    21.11.Crystallizing Glass ................................. 388
    21.12.Glass as Glaze and Enamel ........................... 390
    21.13.Corrosion of Glass and Glaze ........................ 392
    21.14.Types of Ceramic Glasses ............................ 393
    21.15.Natural Glass ....................................... 394
    21.16.The Physics of Glass ................................ 396

22. Sols, Gels, and Organic Chemistry ......................... 400
    22.1. Sol-Gel Processing .................................. 400
    22.2. Structure and Synthesis of Alkoxides ................ 401
    22.3. Properties of Alkoxides ............................. 402
    22.4. The Sol-Gel Process Using Metal Alkoxides ........... 403
    22.5. Characterization of the Sol-Gel Process ............. 406
    22.6. Powders, Coatings, Fibers, Crystalline, or Glass .... 407

23. Shaping and Forming ....................................... 412
    23.1. The Words ........................................... 412
    23.2. Binders and Plasticizers ............................ 413
    23.3. Slip and Slurry ..................................... 413
    23.4. Dry Pressing ........................................ 414
    23.5. Hot Pressing ........................................ 414
    23.6. Cold Isostatic Pressing ............................. 415
    23.7. Hot Isostatic Pressing .............................. 416
    23.8. Slip Casting ........................................ 417
    23.9. Extrusion ........................................... 418
    23.10.Injection Molding ................................... 419
    23.11.Rapid Prototyping ................................... 420
    23.12.Green Machining ..................................... 420
    23.13.Binder Burnout ...................................... 421
    23.14.Final Machining ..................................... 421
    23.15.Making Porous Ceramics .............................. 422
    23.16.Shaping Pottery ..................................... 422
    23.17.Shaping Glass ....................................... 423

24. Sintering and Grain Growth ................................ 427
    24.1. The Sintering Process ............................... 427
    24.2. The Terminology of Sintering ........................ 429
    24.3. Capillary Forces and Surface Forces ................. 429
    24.4. Sintering Spheres and Wires ......................... 429
    24.5. Grain Growth ........................................ 431
    24.6. Sintering and Diffusion ............................. 431
    24.7. Liquid-Phase Sintering .............................. 433
    24.8. Hot Pressing ........................................ 433
    24.9. Pinning Grain Boundaries ............................ 434
    24.10.More Grain Growth ................................... 435
    24.11.Grain Boundaries, Surfaces, and Sintering ........... 436
    24.12.Exaggerated Grain Growth ............................ 437
    24.13.Fabricating Complex Shapes .......................... 438
    24.14.Pottery ............................................. 439
    24.15.Pores and Porous Ceramics ........................... 439
    24.16.Sintering with Two and Three Phases ................. 440
    24.17.Examples of Sintering in Action ..................... 441
    24.18.Computer Modeling ................................... 441

25. Solid-State Phase Transformations and Reactions ........... 444
    25.1. Transformations and Reactions: The Link ............. 444
    25.2. The Terminology ..................................... 445
    25.3. Technology .......................................... 445
    25.4. Phase Transformations without Changing Chemistry .... 447
    25.5. Phase Transformations Changing Chemistry ............ 448
    25.6. Methods for Studying Kinetics ....................... 449
    25.7. Diffusion through a Layer: Slip Casting ............. 450
    25.8. Diffusion through a Layer: Solid-State Reactions .... 451
    25.9. The Spinel-Forming Reaction ......................... 451
    25.10.Inert Markers and Reaction Barriers ................. 452
    25.11.Simplified Darken Equation .......................... 453
    25.12.The Incubation Period ............................... 454
    25.13.Particle Growth and the Effect of Misfit ............ 454
    25.14.Thin-Film Reactions ................................. 455
    25.15.Reactions in an Electric Field ...................... 457
    25.16.Phase Transformations Involving Glass ............... 458
    25.17.Pottery ............................................. 459
    25.18.Cement .............................................. 459
    25.19.Reactions Involving a Gas Phase ..................... 460
    25.20.Curved Interfaces ................................... 461

26. Processing Glass and Glass-Ceramics ....................... 463
    26.1. The Market for Glass and Glass Products ............. 463
    26.2. Processing Bulk Glasses ............................. 463
    26.3. Bubbles ............................................. 467
    26.4. Flat Glass .......................................... 468
    26.5. Float-Glass ......................................... 469
    26.6. Glassblowing ........................................ 470
    26.7. Coating Glass ....................................... 472
    26.8. Safety Glass ........................................ 473
    26.9. Foam Glass .......................................... 473
    26.10.Sealing Glass ....................................... 473
    26.11.Enamel .............................................. 474
    26.12.Photochromic Glass .................................. 474
    26.13.Ceramming: Changing Glass to Glass-Ceramics ......... 474
    26.14.Glass for Art and Sculpture ......................... 476
    26.15.Glass for Science and Engineering ................... 478

27. Coatings and Thick Films .................................. 481
    27.1. Defining Thick Film ................................. 481
    27.2. Tape Casting ........................................ 481
    27.3. Dip Coating ......................................... 484
    27.4. Spin Coating ........................................ 484
    27.5. Spraying ............................................ 485
    27.6. Electrophoretic Deposition .......................... 486
    27.7. Thick-Film Circuits ................................. 488

28. Thin Films and Vapor Deposition ........................... 494
    28.1. The Difference between Thin Films and Thick Films ... 494
    28.2. Acronyms, Adjectives, and Hyphens ................... 494
    28.3. Requirements for Thin Ceramic Films ................. 495
    28.4. Chemical Vapor Deposition ........................... 495
    28.5. Thermodynamics of Chemical Vapor Deposition ......... 497
    28.6. Chemical Vapor Deposition of Ceramic Films for
          Semiconductor Devices ............................... 498
    28.7. Types of Chemical Vapor Deposition .................. 499
    28.8. Chemical Vapor Deposition Safety .................... 500
    28.9. Evaporation ......................................... 500
    28.10.Sputtering .......................................... 501
    28.11.Molecular-Beam Epitaxy .............................. 502
    28.12.Pulsed-Laser Deposition ............................. 503
    28.13.Ion-Beam-Assisted Deposition ........................ 504
    28.14.Substrates .......................................... 504

29. Growing Single Crystals ................................... 507
    29.1. Why Single Crystals? ................................ 507
    29.2. A Brief History of Growing Ceramic Single
          Crystals ............................................ 507
    29.3. Methods for Growing Single Crystals of Ceramics ..... 508
    29.4. Melt Technique: Verneuil (Flame-Fusion) ............. 509
    29.5. Melt Technique: Arc-Image Growth .................... 511
    29.6. Melt Technique: Czochralski ......................... 511
    29.7. Melt Technique: Skull Melting ....................... 514
    29.8. Melt Technique: Bridgman-Stockbarger ................ 515
    29.9. Melt Technique: Heat-Exchange Method ................ 516
    29.10.Applying Phase Diagrams to Single-Crystal
          Growth .............................................. 516
    29.11.Solution Technique: Hydrothermal .................... 517
    29.12.Solution Technique: Hydrothermal Growth at
          Low Temperature ..................................... 519
    29.13.Solution Technique: Flux Growth ..................... 519
    29.14.Solution Technique: Growing Diamonds ................ 521
    29.15.Vapor Technique: Vapor-Liquid-Solid ................. 521
    29.16.Vapor Technique: Sublimation ........................ 522
    29.17.Preparing Substrates for Thin-Film Applications ..... 522
    29.18.Growing Nanowires and Nanotubes by
          Vapor-Liquid-Solid and Not .......................... 522


30. Conducting Charge or Not .................................. 529
    30.1. Ceramics as Electrical Conductors ................... 529
    30.2. Conduction Mechanisms in Ceramics ................... 531
    30.3. Number of Conduction Electrons ...................... 532
    30.4. Electron Mobility ................................... 533
    30.5. Effect of Temperature ............................... 533
    30.6. Ceramics with Metal-Like Conductivity ............... 534
    30.7. Applications for High-a Ceramics .................... 535
    30.8. Semiconducting Ceramics ............................. 537
    30.9. Examples of Extrinsic Semiconductors ................ 539
    30.10.Varistors ........................................... 540
    30.11.Thermistors ......................................... 541
    30.12.Wide-Band-Gap Semiconductors ........................ 542
    30.13.Ion Conduction ...................................... 543
    30.14.Fast Ion Conductors ................................. 543
    30.15.Batteries ........................................... 544
    30.16.Fuel Cells .......................................... 544
    30.17.Ceramic Insulators .................................. 546
    30.18.Substrates and Packages for Integrated Circuits ..... 548
    30.19.Insulating Layers in Integrated Circuits ............ 549
    30.20.Superconductivity ................................... 550
    30.21.Ceramic Superconductors ............................. 551

31. Locally Redistributing Charge ............................. 556
    31.1. Background on Dielectrics ........................... 556
    31.2. Ferroelectricity .................................... 560
    31.3. BaTi03: The Prototypical Ferroelectric .............. 562
    31.4. Solid Solutions with BaTiO3 ......................... 565
    31.5. Other Ferroelectric Ceramics ........................ 565
    31.6. Relaxor Dielectrics ................................. 565
    31.7. Ceramic Capacitors .................................. 565
    31.8. Ceramic Ferroelectrics for Memory Applications ...... 568
    31.9. Piezoelectricity .................................... 569
    31.10.Lead Zirconate-Lead Titanate (PZT) Solid
          Solutions ........................................... 570
    31.11.Applications for Piezoelectric Ceramics ............. 571
    31.12.Piezoelectric Materials for Microelectromechanical
          Systems ............................................. 572
    31.13.Pyroelectricity ..................................... 572
    31.14.Applications for Pyroelectric Ceramics .............. 573

32. Interacting with and Generating Light ..................... 575
    32.1. Some Background for Optical Ceramics ................ 575
    32.2. Transparency ........................................ 577
    32.3. The Refractive Index ................................ 578
    32.4. Reflection from Ceramic Surfaces .................... 579
    32.5. Color in Ceramics ................................... 580
    32.6. Coloring Glass and Glazes ........................... 581
    32.7. Ceramic Pigments and Stains ......................... 581
    32.8. Translucent Ceramics ................................ 583
    32.9. Lamp Envelopes ...................................... 584
    32.10.Fluorescence ........................................ 585
    32.11.The Basics of Optical Fibers ........................ 586
    32.12.Phosphors and Emitters .............................. 588
    32.13.Solid-State Lasers .................................. 589
    32.14.Electrooptic Ceramics for Optical Devices ........... 590
    32.15.Reacting to Other Parts of the Spectrum ............. 594
    32.16.Optical Ceramics in Nature .......................... 595

33. Using Magnetic Fields and Storing Data .................... 598
    33.1. A Brief History of Magnetic Ceramics ................ 598
    33.2. Magnetic Dipoles .................................... 599
    33.3. The Basic Equations, the Words, and the Units ....... 600
    33.4. The Five Classes of Magnetic Material ............... 601
    33.5. Diamagnetic Ceramics ................................ 601
    33.6. Superconducting Magnets ............................. 602
    33.7. Paramagnetic Ceramics ............................... 603
    33.8. Measuring χ ......................................... 604
    33.9. Ferromagnetism ...................................... 604
    33.10.Antiferromagnetism and Colossal Magnetoresistance ... 605
    33.11.Ferrimagnetism ...................................... 606
    33.12.Estimating the Magnetization of Ferrimagnets ........ 609
    33.13.Magnetic Domains and Bloch Walls .................... 609
    33.14.Imaging Magnetic Domains ............................ 610
    33.15.Motion of Domain Walls and Hysteresis Loops ......... 611
    33.16.Hard and Soft Ferrites .............................. 612
    33.17.Microwave Ferrites .................................. 614
    33.18.Data Storage and Recording .......................... 614
    33.19.Magnetic Nanoparticles .............................. 616

34. Responding to Temperature Changes ......................... 619
    34.1. Summary of Terms and Units .......................... 619
    34.2. Absorption and Heat Capacity ........................ 619
    34.3. Melting Temperatures ................................ 621
    34.4. Vaporization ........................................ 623
    34.5. Thermal Conductivity ................................ 624
    34.6. Measuring Thermal Conductivity ...................... 626
    34.7. Microstructure and Thermal Conductivity ............. 626
    34.8. Using High Thermal Conductivity ..................... 628
    34.9. Thermal Expansion ................................... 628
    34.10.Effect of Crystal Structure on α .................... 630
    34.11.Thermal Expansion Measurment ........................ 631
    34.12.Importance of Matching αs ........................... 632
    34.13.Applications for Low-α .............................. 632
    34.14.Thermal Shock ....................................... 633

35. Ceramics in Biology and Medicine .......................... 635
    35.1. What Are Bioceramics? ............................... 635
    35.2. Advantages and Disadvantages of Ceramics ............ 636
    35.3. Ceramic Implants and the Structure of Bone .......... 638
    35.4. Alumina and Zirconia ................................ 639
    35.5. Bioactive Glasses ................................... 640
    35.6. Bioactive Glass-Ceramics ............................ 641
    35.7. Hydroxy apatite ..................................... 642
    35.8. Bioceramics in Composites ........................... 644
    35.9. Bioceramic Coatings ................................. 645
    35.10.Radiotherapy Glasses ................................ 646
    35.11.Pyrolytic Carbon Heart Valves ....................... 646
    35.12.Nanobioceramics ..................................... 647
    35.13.Dental Ceramics ..................................... 648
    35.14.Biomimetics ......................................... 648

36. Minerals and Gems ......................................... 652
    36.1. Minerals ............................................ 652
    36.2. What Is a Gem? ...................................... 653
    36.3. In the Rough ........................................ 653
    36.4. Cutting and Polishing ............................... 654
    36.5. Light and Optics in Gemology ........................ 656
    36.6. Color in Gems and Minerals .......................... 660
    36.7. Optical Effects ..................................... 661
    36.8. Identifying Minerals and Gems ....................... 663
    36.9. Chemical Stability (Durability) ..................... 664
    36.10.Diamonds, Sapphires, Rubies, and Emeralds ........... 664
    36.11.Opal ................................................ 666
    36.12.Other Gems .......................................... 667
    36.13.Minerals with Inclusions ............................ 669
    36.14.Treatment of Gems ................................... 670
    36.15.The Mineral and Gem Trade ........................... 670

37. Industry and the Environment .............................. 675
    37.1. The Beginning of the Modern Ceramics Industry ....... 675
    37.2. Growth and Globalization ............................ 676
    37.3. Types of Market ..................................... 677
    37.4. Case Studies ........................................ 677
    37.5. Emerging Areas ...................................... 680
    37.6. Mining .............................................. 682
    37.7. Recycling ........................................... 683
    37.8. In the Nuclear Industry ............................. 685
    37.9. Producing and Storing Hydrogen ...................... 685
    37.10.As Green Materials .................................. 687

Index ......................................................... 691

Details for Figures and Tables ................................ 701

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